Dongyun's Research Highlighted in Star Phoenix
In today's issue of the Saskatoon Star Phoenix, Drongyun Jung's (recent Rubin lab MSc graduate) research was highlighted in an article in...

Bev Defends Her Thesis!
Congratulations Bev on the defense of your thesis! Bev joined theRubinlab as a summer student in 2014, and went on to become the first...

CBC Marketplace Enlists theRubinlab
Communicating science is a critical part of what we do as faculty members, whether it’s to our students in the class room or through...

Successful MSc Defense: Dongyun Jung - Student to Alumni...
Congratulations to Dongyun Jung for defending his MSc! Dongyun joined theRubinlab back in January, 2017 and has been exceptionally...

Poster Season is Upon Us!
Poster season is certainly upon us and RubinLab members have been busy sharing the results of their investigations with the world. First...