CSM 2019: Sherbrooke, Quebec
Once again the Department of Veterinary Microbiology had a great showing at the Canadian Society of Microbiologists annual conference, this time in Sherbrooke, Quebec. Always enjoy the chance to meet up with old friends and make some new ones at CSM!
Kezia Fourie had the opportunity to give a talk on her study looking at how selective media change our view of antimicrobial resistance surveillance by using quantitative culture methods, such a proud supervisor moment! Rachel Courtice (soon to defend her MSc) and Dongyun Jung (Rubin lab alum - now with Dr. Jennifer Ronholm, McGill) both presented posters. CSM also has an education focused session: the Forum On Microbiology Education (FOME) and it was an absolute pleasure for me (Joe) to be on the planning committee for this year’s event. I also had the chance to present in a joint session with Dr. Tanya Noel from the University of Windsor on multiple choice questions, and show the world about the Bonus Marks for a Song tradition in the 2nd year class Veterinary Bacteriology and Mycology.
Looking forward to CSM 2020 in Guelph, Ontario!