Dongyun's Research Highlighted in Star Phoenix
In today's issue of the Saskatoon Star Phoenix, Drongyun Jung's (recent Rubin lab MSc graduate) research was highlighted in an article in...
Bev Defends Her Thesis!
Congratulations Bev on the defense of your thesis! Bev joined theRubinlab as a summer student in 2014, and went on to become the first...
Who Found a Superbug?
It’s the 3rd annual superbug hunt for class, and we have a winner. For the VTMC 347 class (Veterinary Bacteriology and Mycology), the...
Superbug Hunt for Class
We have a winner! For their laboratory assignment in VTMC 347 (Veterinary Bacteriology and Mycology), the WCVM class of 2020 was sent out...
Poster Season is Upon Us!
Poster season is certainly upon us and RubinLab members have been busy sharing the results of their investigations with the world. First...
Dr. Chris Yost (U of R) talks water, resistance, food and One Health!
TheRubinLab had the pleasure of hosting Dr. Chris Yost, of the University of Regina, today as part of our Veterinary Microbiology seminar...
Lack of Superbugs in Sable Island Horses
Congratulations to Mary on her paper! Her manuscript entitled “A survey of the antimicrobial susceptibility of Escherichia coli isolated...